Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Chatting with Charity ~ 18

Sometimes life is HARD!

Good morning!  Today, I want to talk about one of the jobs of being a wife and mother that I am not always good at!  Our life lately has been hard.  You know what I mean?  Nothing awful has happened to us but life has been filled with disappointments, and frustrations, and people around us, close to us, are suffering with deep hurts and loses.  We have been feeling the weight of this for at least a full two months and we know there are more hard things coming....a dear friend moving away.  The weight of all of this has slowly changed the mood in our home, we are not as light hearted and joyful as normal.  I was praying about how I could help get us back to that place and that is when God started reminding me to be a fun wife and momma!  This is not something that comes naturally to me, I like quiet and order but I knew it was my job!  I am well aware that as wives and mothers we have great power over the mood of our homes....if momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy!  This week I have on purpose set aside time to be fun.  I even used our kitchen chalkboard to write a fun message on!  I am happy to report, It has worked!  We are not without cares, they are all still there, but we are having fun and finding joy in our day to day life!

Has your family recently gone through anything like this?  What did you do to lighten the mood?  Or if you are a fun mom, what are some of your favorite fun things you do for your family?


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