Friday, June 11, 2010


We have BIG news here this morning, Little Sister pulled her first tooth.

She has been dreaming of this day for years

every time one of her friends would lose a tooth she would get sooo sad and cry and wonder when she was ever going to lose a tooth.

She is the last one of all the kids we know her age to lose one, but today is the big day.

Big Sister gave her that tiny blue box for her birthday this year, to put her tooth in when she lost it, but it has set high up on that self just waiting....

but today it got to come down and the lid had a reason to come off

because it now holds that first lost tooth and dreams of what the Tooth Fairy will bring tonight.

The box now sets on a lower shelf so that she will be able to check first thing in the morning.

Tune in tomorrow for a play by play of how she lost the tooth and what the Tooth Fairy brought.

Cha Cha


Miss Jan said...

awwww...she is adorable and I love that face. Tell her I am doing the "happy dance" for her!!! I hope she got a pony for that tooth!!!

Charity said...

Bite your tongue Miss Jan, she does NOT need any ideas on how else she can ask for a pony. I understand her horse love she comes by it naturally from me, but unfortunately I also remember all the work it takes to have those beautiful, amazing, wonderful, thrilling animals and the answer is No a hundred, thousand, million times No. So the Tooth Fairy will bring money and she can save it to buy her own when she is 20 thats our deal.

Okay lovelies who don't know me in real life you just got a behind the scenes, BTW I am being funny not mean, but the answer is still NO.

Cha Cha

Between You and Me said...

She is absolutely adorable. I love those toothless smiles.

Tell her how very happy we are that she finally lost her very first tooth!

Marie@Procrastinating in Pink said...

What a cutie! I had no idea how BIG of a deal it was until I taught 1st grade last year! haha!

Jemsmom said...

That is absolutely precious!

nest of posies said...

that little sister is the cutest thing!
love love love this post!
such a sweet big sister to give her that beautiful box. can't wait until tomorrow's post. cracking up at the other comments. so funny.
ok~ off to bed i go. reading about the tooth fairy's visit tonite is a sweet thing to read right before i go to bed. ;)