Saturday, June 12, 2010


Yesterday morning when Little Sister woke up she was playing in her room.  Then suddenly she rushed in and ask to call Nana, I told her it was too early (6:45 am).  She said, awww I want to tell her I pulled my tooth and held out her tooth for me to see.  After much hugging and picture taking we called Nana.

This tooth had been pretty loose for the past week and she had begged her Daddy into trying to pull it Wednesday night and it resulted in blood, crying and Mommy stressing out (can't stand loose teeth, they totally creap me out).  Daddy felt so bad.  Thursday morning when Nana stopped by, Little Sister talked her into trying to pull it, same results as the night before.  Then that night when she (Nana) stopped back by she tried again but nothing, except progress I guess.  So Friday morning it was finally ready and she got to do it on her own.

You can imagine that she wanted to go to bed first thing Friday Morning so she could collect the Tooth Fairy loot.  But being the mean Mommy that I am I made her stay awake all day long.  When it was
 F I N A L L Y
time for bed she went right to sleep, and to my surprise she stayed asleep.

But bright and early this morning she was up checking out what she got,  can you imagine the Tooth Fairy never brought me a 5 dollar bill.  Do you see what is in her other hand?  That would be a pearl,  Little Sister can finally start her pearl necklace and in no time at all, it will be as full as Big Sister's.

Big Sister's necklace

Each time one of the girls lose a tooth they get a pearl and we have it put on a thin gold chain and one day when they have enough we will have them strung and they will be able to continue wearing a childhood memory.


Kelly @ Make It Sparkly Mama said...

Oh that is a fabulous idea about the pearl necklaces! How much fun!

nest of posies said...

you are such a good mama!
i know for certain there is NOT a mean bone in your body.

i am going to bookmark both post about the tooth fairy & save the idea of a pearl necklace for my pixie & of course a wonderful box for all 3 of mine. this is just priceless seeing this unfold on your blog.
thanks as always for sharing such sweet things for us to read.


Opie Dawn said...

Her photos are so cute and I love, love the pearl idea! I am going to do this for our sweet girl! Thanks for sharing.